Why Cockroach is Dangerous for Human?

Here, we have discussed why cockroach is Dangerous for Human health. Well apart from that we will be highlighting all top reasons cockroaches can cause serious harms by spreading disease and how we can offer a suitable solution to this problem.

Roaches or cockroaches are very common pest that can be found in the home particularly under the kitchen sink. These little insects are sometimes even feared by some individuals because of their scary features and possible germs that they may be carrying around on their bodies.

There are more than a thousand known kinds of cockroaches however, only a few of them are classified as pests. Of these cockroaches the ones found inside our homes are one of the dirtiest pests. Cockroaches live in humid and warm environment particularly in places where left over foods are there. This is why roaches loved to stay around the kitchen. Other places where cockroaches can be found are in the basement, bathroom, attic, garage, hospitals and sewers.

Cockroaches are dangerous because they can contaminate the food that they feed on. The left over food that is not properly covered and was left unattended gives the roaches an opportunity to infest the food and leave behind the microbes that can cause severe health conditions to the humans who may eat the infested food. One of the most common illnesses that are associated with food infested by cockroaches is Typhoid fever and gastrointestinal problems. The young children and the elderly are the most susceptible for acquiring these kinds of infections. The most immediate symptoms of these diseases include diarrhea, vomiting, fever and stomach cramps. If left untreated the victim can suffer dehydration and eventually may cause death.

Aside from causing infection through the different kinds of microbes that they carry on their bodies, the feces of the cockroaches are also associated with other health problems on humans. The feces of roaches contain a chemical known as tropomyosin that can cause allergic reactions in humans. People with asthma can have an acute attack when exposed to these substances. The common allergic reactions that may be experienced include watery eyes, sneezing and skin rashes.

These health problems that cockroaches can bring to your family can be avoided if you will clean up all the possible hiding places of the cockroaches. It is important that you don't leave any food on your table and kitchen uncovered or much better keep them in your refrigerator if you want to eat it later. Proper food preparation is also important especially when you have left the fruits and vegetables on your kitchen overnight. Wash your fruits and vegetable well as some roaches may have crawled on them during the night.

If you can't seem to get rid of the roaches in your home, then you may need to hire the services of pest control companies so they can do the job for you. Getting rid of the adult cockroaches is not enough, you must also get rid of the eggs that they have left behind so that you can be sure that there will be no more cockroaches left behind.
